Success Story Stadtwerke Emden


True to the company motto "With us. Here we are at home, here we are there for the people", Stadtwerke Emden supplies around 51,000 people with electricity, natural gas, district heating, and water every day - and has been doing so since 1861. Today, the local basic utility is also involved in the city's public transport system, the baths, and the airport. Stadtwerke Emden is a traditional company that is actively shaping the future in its region: By 2030, the goal is to supply all private households exclusively with electricity from renewable energies.


The comprehensive IT security audit by Allgeier secion provided the project managers at Stadtwerke Emden with a detailed expert analysis of their IT infrastructure and potential security risks. The findings of the audit and concrete recommendations for action derived from them were presented to the company after the project was completed and summarized in a detailed report. This enabled the management and IT managers to implement the optimizations quickly and efficiently. In order to sustainably stabilize the IT security level that has now been achieved, Stadtwerke Emden plans to conduct regular IT security audits with Allgeier secion's security experts in the future.

"We were involved in the processes throughout the project and were able to exchange information with Allgeier secion's IT security experts about the next steps and further focal points of the review. At the end of the 9-day security audit, we received a personal presentation of the results and detailed written reports with recommendations for action prioritized according to the urgency of the management and our IT administrators. This allowed us to implement the points discussed quickly and optimize our systems in terms of security sustainably. It is clear that we are continuously putting our systems to the test and will therefore certainly continue to rely on Allgeier secion's comprehensive expertise in the future."

Claus Wechselberg IT strategy and digitalization, Stadtwerke Emden GmbH