After a successful cyberattack: Allgeier secion optimizes IT security at Martin Baur GmbH
by Tina Siering

That the threat of cybercrime is not a question of size or location was something Martin Baur GmbH from the district of Biberach had to discover in its own company: Hackers managed to bypass the security solutions installed at the family-owned company in southern Germany. The successful cyber attack brought the IT systems and subsequently parts of the business processes to a temporary standstill.
The medium-sized company took this as an opportunity to bring an external IT security expert on board to have its own IT protection measures checked and permanently secured after the systems had been restored.
With the help of an internal perpetrator pentest, the security consultants from Allgeier secion then examined all systems for vulnerabilities and IT security gaps. Precisely those areas that had previously been successfully compromised. They tried - just like real cyber criminals - to expand the authorizations in the system in order to find out at which point the internal IT department became aware of the activities of the "intruder". In order to also test and improve the security awareness of the approximately 200 company employees, a phishing campaign was also carried out, which led to a real wake-up call for some employees, as Michael Bernauer (IT manager at Martin Baur) told us in a post-project interview.
Read more about the challenges and the decision-making process at Martin Baur GmbH in our joint success story!